Category Archives: Lifestyle

Archiecture: Ultramodern Water Houses in Dubai

Luxury Living on the Water

(now that’s a view!!!)

Now of course why would I want to live in a regular house when I can live in this? Talk about a water mansion! And it only gets better at Dubia:

The island of Nurai is one of the latest of Dubai developments to catch the fancy of foreign visitors and potential investors. While much of the expansion of Dubai has slowed there is still an enormous amount of money moving through it. The residences shown here (above) feature bridge-only accessibility, rooftop decks complete with private pools and countless other luxurious amenities (source Dornob)


Source: Dornob

Cadillac Coming Strong With CTS Coupe, Wagon and SRX Crossover

(wow… may have to rethink my 5 car list)

Now playing: Michael Jackson – Human Nature
via FoxyTunes

Political Corner: The New White Reality Check on Health Care

(its great that we have people in the White House who are willing to dicuss)

After listening to this I feel a little bit better about the plan… but there is just one issue I have when it comes to the question of rashining of care. I will agree that it already happens and even to some extent in the governments Medicaid/Medicare program, but I think the question people have about rationing is truely this: If, and let me say the word again, If, the cost of this government insurance option ends up costing billions or even trillions of dollars more than projected, will there be a possibility of rationing? If there is rationing, how will it work? If the cost ends up being so high AND there is another recession, what happens?

We need to know the positives AND negatives of the plan and mediate the negatives.

Sadly, this particular video does not asnwer this question which is what many opponents and even people who WANT health care reform are truely asking. What happens if… it costs more than the 1.4 Trillion dollars… What happens if… the government is caught with its pants down and can not pay for the people who are on the plan…  If the White House and anyone else who truely wants health care reform to happen, then these “what if” scenerios need to be answered.

You can always plan to succeed, but also prepare for failure.

Lets be grown out there people… don’t  get violent, but discuss this issues. Lets also be sexy… look really good while your asking thoe questions in your designer footwear and in style fashion sense.

Preview of The High Line


(and there is more)

And it only gets better!!! Video and more pictures coming up later next week.


100 Best Places To Live

And the winners are…
1. Louisville, CO
2. Chanhassen, MN
3. Papillion, NE
4. Middleton, WI
5. Milton, MA
6. Warren, NJ
7. Keller, TX
8. Peachtree City, GA
9. Lake St. Louis, MO
10. Mukilteo, WA

Think its time to move for real. they also have a Google Map of the 10 top  places as well. The whole list (in slideshow form) is here and the full list is here.

When You Want The Best Wedding Cake Ever


(you should see these cakes!!!)

(eat it? no, frame it and put it in the livingroom)

This has to be the craziest cake I have ever seen (well not really but its pretty close). You can see more from the guy who made this particular cake here at (how did he get that url??? lol).

Here is more info:

Continue reading

Architecture: Portable, Prefab & Recycled Cargo Container Home

BEFORE TRANSFORMATION - Portable, Prefab & Recycled Cargo Container Home

(you will never guess what this looks like open)

Ever wanted to live in  old recycled cargo container? You dream of saying, “Well, I gotta go back to my container down the road next to the railroad tracks cause if I aint home by 6, the wife will just kill me.”?

If that (and other off the wall thoughts) is what you are thinking, then maybe this is the right thing for you. Continue reading

Could New Episodes of THE GAME Be going To BET?


(bring back The GAME)

BET already has the reruns of the show on the channel and from what I have read the show is doing better on BET than it was on The WB. Check this quote out from Autumn Jones:

A network source of BET told BV BUZZ, that the new co-President Loretha Jones “has been aggressively working to secure the budget to make the deal a reality.”

So maybe me and my friend can spend some quality time watch what we both consider a very good show. I am no fan of BET but if they get this show back on the air, I will give them some props. maybe even start to like them again.


Yes this is recent news, as of a few days ago. Lets hope they get this going by the Fall.

The Retro Movement Continues: Retromags Gets First Issue of Game Informer

First Issue of Game Informer

(geez, I hope this isn’t illegal)

Seriously, do we have time for more reto news? In the 21 Century we have become more retro than when we actually lived in the years we did this stuff in.

Does that make sence? lol

First seen on CrunchGear. Because of them, I now know that there is a whole forum based off of magazine covers that are from the 1999 and earlier.

As far as it being legal… why wouldn’t it be? scans of past magazine covers and article tib-bits that you make sure to reference illegal? Copywrite problems?

Multi-Angle Bike… Because Your Bike Doesn’t Have Any Angles


(a bike only the Flintstones could love)

This is one of those silly things that just seem to work for whatever reason. While I don’t think I will EVER buy one for myself to ride on, I think I would try it at least once just to see if it would really work.

As seen on  via Oddity Central (and all over the net if you look up multi-angle bicycle).